Made it to Nepal after 3 mind numbing days of overnight trains and
buses. We got into Katmandu and the next day were on a 9 hour (but only
75km) butt numbing bus ride on a road that looked more like the Rubicon
Trail than a national highway. Well, we made it, and hiked into to
Langtang National Park the next day. The 2nd day we reached Kanjin,

right in the heart of the Himalayan range. The next morning we woke up
early to hike up Kanjin Ri (4500m) where we were rewarded with
spectacular views. It snowed a few inches the night before which did
wonders for the visibility (April is known to be a very hazy time).
We were pressed for time, so we did 6 days worth of hiking in 4 days...
but then Chris got sick. Not sure still what it was, but it had all the
symtoms of altitude sickness, so we were weary about heading up any
higher (although we were only at 2500m). Now we think it was those
great stomach bugs striking again. On the plus side, the family that
owned the guest house we stayed at was great. We taught the boys Go
Fish and they took Dana up to see their grandparents in a nearby
village. After a 3 day rest, he was able to continue, but we had to
cut our trip short. I guess it gives us another reason to head back to

We are back in Katmandu and have plans to leave tomorrow. Things here
are a bit up in the air because of the nationwide strike. No buses are
running. We were lucky to make it back to Katmandu. If it wasn't for
a few Israelies that were dead set on being in Katmandu for Passover,
we would still be in the mountains! They arranged a tourist bus with
all the proper governmental stamps and signatures allowing us access to
the closed roads. One way or the other we will be in Delhi on the 15th
to meet Dana's folks!